Friday, February 6, 2015

My Dream For Public Education!

Also my dream for public education! Children not being grouped in school by their age or grade level.  Instead, transitioning freely from room to room, based on their interests, passions, and natural talents!  I think we're on our way!  I've got my seat belt on and I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for the ride!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

From Industrial to Agricultural

I haven't posted in a while, but today, I felt strongly to.  Our principal sent a link to a TED talk and asked the staff members to take 15 minutes to watch it.  Well, I did, and I'm fired up!  So now, I'm encouraging you to take 15 minutes to do the same.  Ken Robinson speaks about educational reform and how education thinks it is changing, but reforming is just a fancy way of trying to improve a model that is already broken.  Instead, he urges for a revolution- a transformation into something else.  I bet you can guess what that "something else" is....YUP!  Personalized learning!  Innovation is hard, it's a lot of work, but so, so, so worth it.  Check it out here.